Melyssande Dunn, OL

Elevation Date:
May 15, 2021
Elevated By:
TRM Timothy II and Ysmay II
Sponsored By:
Sponsor Name
Home Group:
Shire of Rising Stone
Artist: Rúnfríðr Öpirdottir
- Alainn Aodhmoira Bean Larren (1977)
- Rosemunde of Mercia (1979)
- Allan of Moffat (1994)
- Gwendolen Isabella Stewart (2011)
- Cailleach Inghean Thuathaill (2013)
- Madach MacAthol (2015)
- Iofa Merch MacSen (2016)
- Penelope De Bourbon (2018)
- Melyssande Dunn (2021)
- Gwendolen Isabella Stewart (2011)
- Allan of Moffat (1994)
- Rosemunde of Mercia (1979)