Alainn Aodhmoira BeanLarren, OL

Elevation Date:
November 12, 1977
Elevated By:
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Home Group:
Shire of Vulpine Reach

Order of Precedence
- Alainn Aodhmoira Bean Larren (1977)
- Rosemunde of Mercia (1979)
- Allan of Moffat (1994)
- Wuennemon Die Naherin (1999)
- Asta Jorundasdottir (2003)
- Gwynhwyvaer Merch Rhufain (2012)
- Gwendolen Isabella Stewart (2011)
- Cailleach Inghean Thuathaill (2013)
- Madach MacAthol (2015)
- Iofa Merch MacSen (2016)
- Penelope De Bourbon (2018)
- Melyssande Dunn (2021)
- Wuennemon Die Naherin (1999)
- Adrianna Stothard (2015)
- Kissa Irminwiht (2018)
- Genevieve De Valois (2020)
- Ashildr Ulfsdottir (2023)
- Kissa Irminwiht (2018)
- Allan of Moffat (1994)
- Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh O’Finn (1979)
- Arielle de Brabazon (1986)
- Teague ap Cynan (1995)
- Margery of Crosgate (1997)
- Dametta [Deborah] of Arundel (2002)
- Alienore la Cuisiniere (2008)
- Magdalena da Parma (2012)
- Ceridwen the Emperic (2008)
- Enricx Bongnier (2009)
- Gunther Wolfferum (2021)
- Inan bint Sufian (2023)
- Alienore la Cuisiniere (2008)
- Dametta [Deborah] of Arundel (2002)
- Arielle de Brabazon (1986)
- Rosemunde of Mercia (1979)
Ecclesiastical garb & history (including the martial orders & non-Christian traditions), research, garb of the early Middle Ages/Dark Ages, hats (all periods), music, jewelry, reliquaries, undergarments (all periods), bead work & embellishment, trade networks, herbal remedies & medical practices, topics specific to women (illness, legal issues, widowhood, marriage, pregnancy, employment, etc.)